Work and residence permits
The topic Work and residence permit primarily focuses on:
▪ national developments of labour migration and recent
policy changes in this area,
▪ the access and rights of migrant workers in the labour
▪ tackling unequal or unfair working conditions of migrant
workers in practice.
The draft of the new Aliens Act: Tighter Rules for All Work and residence permitsCzech Republic
30. 8. 13
At the beginning of May 2013, after more than two years of preparations, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic submitted for public consultation, its conception of the new foreigners’ legislation. Three new separate acts, if approved by the Government and Parliament, would substantially change the current legal regulation of stay and residence of foreigners from the EU as well as fr... »
Peeling an Onion: Work and Employment of Migrants in Slovenia Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSloveniasummary texts
12. 4. 13 | Aldo Milohnić
In the first part of the project Migration to the Centre we were concerned with the work and employment of migrants in Slovenia. Two experts presented the most recent statistical data, analyzed the legislative framework, and described the results of their previous field research projects. These experts’ assessments were confirmed and upgraded by personal stories contributed by three migrants fro... »
Poland: Work and residence permits Work and residence permitsPolandsummary texts
11. 4. 13
International project “Migration to the center” was aimed at investigating diverse problems in the area of integration of foreigners in Poland also in regards to the access to the labor market. Within this topic, in the first part of the project we have focused on the analysis of the problem of irregular employment in Poland. »
A “Third Country” Migrant’s Experience in Slovenia Work and residence permitsSloveniamigrants outputs
27. 2. 13 | Biljana Žikić
Female migrants working in Czech households Work and residence permitsCzech Republicmigrants outputs
27. 2. 13 | Oksana Belková
Story of Mrs. Manush – When Old Age Does Not Mean a Chance to Rest Work and residence permitsSlovakiamigrants outputs
26. 2. 13 | Zuzana Bargerová
Syrian engineer working at the Polish bar Work and residence permitsPolandmigrants outputs
26. 2. 13
Migrant labour in Slovenia Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSloveniaarticles
26. 2. 13 | Veronika Bajt
VIDEO: Bubble tea, kebab, Russian design Work and residence permitsHungarymigrants outputs
22. 2. 13
Story of Martin: Who deserves a Blue Card? Work and residence permitsSlovakiamigrants outputs
18. 2. 13 | Zuzana Bargerová
Low-skilled Migrants in the Czech Republic in Times of Economic Recession: unwanted, but demanded at the same time Work and residence permitsCzech Republicarticles
14. 2. 13 | Yana Leontiyeva
Briefing 1: Access to Work and Residence Permits for non-EU workers Work and residence permits
14. 2. 13 | Thomas Huddleston
Migrants take away our jobs! Really? Work and residence permitsCzech Republicmigrants outputs
14. 2. 13 | Elena Visloguzova
Migration to the Centre – Introduction by Thomas Huddleston Work and residence permits
14. 2. 13 | Thomas Huddleston
Shaggy, the Master of Sheesha from Israel Work and residence permitsPolandmigrants outputs
11. 2. 13
Work or no work, Hungary still lovable Work and residence permitsHungarymigrants outputs
6. 2. 13 | Hakeem Babalola
The breakdown of Slovenia’s construction industry from a personal perspective of a Bosnian migrant Work and residence permitsSloveniamigrants outputs
5. 2. 13 | Elvis Alukić