Migrant labour in Slovenia Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSloveniaarticles
26. 2. 13 | Veronika Bajt
Low-skilled Migrants in the Czech Republic in Times of Economic Recession: unwanted, but demanded at the same time Work and residence permitsCzech Republicarticles
14. 2. 13 | Yana Leontiyeva
An overview of the migration policies and trends - Slovakia Slovakiaarticles
11. 2. 13 | Daniel Kodaj, Alexandra Dubová
An overview of the migration policies and trends - Slovenia Sloveniaarticles
7. 2. 13 | Aldo Milohnić
An overview of the migration policies and trends – Czech Republic Czech Republicarticles
4. 2. 13 | Tereza Blahoutová
Closing job market, closing eyes Work and residence permits Labour MigrationCzech Republicarticles
31. 1. 13 | Martin Rozumek
Slovakia closes eyes to labour migration Work and residence permits Labour MigrationSlovakiaarticles
17. 1. 13 | Zuzana Bargerová
Working on the different terms than specified in the work permit as irregular work of migrants Work and residence permits Labour MigrationPolandarticles
16. 1. 13 | Patrycja Mickiewicz