Focus on the impact of the EU policies of migration and integration in Central European Countries


Slovenia is mainly an immigration country with high migration flows from the former Yugoslavian countries. Most immigration is temporary labour migration with majority of immigrant workers being male employed in construction and manufacturing. However, Slovenia is gradually restricting the access of immigrants to its labour market. As a result of protectionist policy, the number of new immigrants dropped the fourth consecutive year in row in 2011. According to national data, the share of foreign citizens on Slovenia’s population was 4 % in 2011. In 2010, Slovenian government adopted the Strategy for Economic Migrations for 2010-20 focusing on migration of highly skilled workers. Slovenia introduced systematic measures on integration of migrants by the Decree on the Integration of Aliens (Slovenian only) adopted in 2008, followed by several integration programs.

Public debate: Education – Study – Migrations Study / training in EUSloveniapublic debates

27. 12. 13     This video is an edited record of the public debate “Education – Study – Migrations” which was organized by Ljubljana based NGO Peace Institute and took place on 17th December 2013 in Ljubljana. Main focus of this public event was the situation with study and education of migrants in Slovenia. Children of migrants often face segregation and are more likely to drop out of school early. Infe... »

Finally together! The Right to Family Reunification in Slovenia Family reunification Sloveniasummary texts

16. 8. 13 | Aldo Milohnić     In the second part of the project Migration to the Centre we were concerned with the possibilities of migrants and refugees to consume the right to family reunification in Slovenia. Two experts on migration presented the most recent statistical data, analyzed the legislative framework, and described the experiences gained from their field work. These experts’ assessments were upgraded by persona... »

Public debate: Migrations and the right to family reunification Family reunification Gender and MigrationSloveniapublic debates

27. 6. 13     This video is an edited record of the public debate “Migrations and the right to family reunification” which took place on 17 June 2013 in Ljubljana. This public event was organized by Ljubljana based NGOs Peace Institute and Slovenian Philanthropy in collaboration with the Festival of migrant film. Family reunification is the second most common reason for migrants to come to Slovenia (about a... »
Work and residence permits Family reunification (Citizenship)  Study / training in EU
Czech Republic Slovakia Poland Hungary Slovenia
articles public debates migrants outputs summary texts other
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The project has been generously supported by the European Commission The "Europe for citizens" programme, International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Funded by the Europe for
Citizens Programme
of the European Union
Visegrad Fund. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Daniela Pěničková, project coordinator
Phone: (+420) 296 325 345, E-mail:

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