Focus on the impact of the EU policies of migration and integration in Central European Countries


The immigration to Slovakia has been gradually rising since the country’s accession to the EU, although the growth has been slowed by the economic crises. Immigrants mainly come from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania and predominantly for work. The portion of immigrants on total population is relatively small (1.3 % in 2011), but the number of has increased almost threefold since 2004. According to official data, the number of registered immigrants reached almost 71 000 at the end of 2011. On the policy level, the government approved the Migration Policy of the Slovak Republic with Horizon 2020 (Slovak only) in 2011, followed by the Action Plan of Migration Policy in 2012-2013 (Slovak only) in 2012. However, the progress of integration of immigrants is slow. The Strategy on Integration of Foreigners in the Slovak Republic (Slovak only) was adopted in 2009 and is followed by yearly summary reports (Slovak only) on its implementation. In the legislative field, a new Act on Residence of Aliens entered into force in 2012.

Public Debate: Study of International Students in Slovakia Study / training in EUSlovakiapublic debates

28. 11. 13     As a member of the European Union, Slovakia participates in forming the European system of higher education. What impact do EU policies in this area have on incoming international students from coun¬tries outside the EU? How do governmental institutions collaborate with state and private colleges? The Human Rights League held a public debate on these topics titled: Foreign Brains in Slovakia. »

International students: Why should we care? Study / training in EUSlovakiaarticles

12. 11. 13 | Renata Kralikova     The answer to the question posed in the title is fairly simple. We should care about international students because they provide number of benefits to their host countries. In addition, they have a direct and positive impact on their host universities and later when they become high-skilled workers also on the host economy in a broader sense. However their impact is not as direct as to be much dis... »

Experience with Studying in Slovakia Study / training in EUSlovakiamigrants outputs

11. 11. 13     Albertine Kakeu is a young student of social assistance at the Comenius University in Bratislava. She is from Cameroon and lives in Bratislava, which has become her second home now. »
Work and residence permits Family reunification (Citizenship)  Study / training in EU
Czech Republic Slovakia Poland Hungary Slovenia
articles public debates migrants outputs summary texts other
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The project has been generously supported by the European Commission The "Europe for citizens" programme, International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Funded by the Europe for
Citizens Programme
of the European Union
Visegrad Fund. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Daniela Pěničková, project coordinator
Phone: (+420) 296 325 345, E-mail:

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